Category: Programming

  • Observer pattern for Python

    The Observer pattern is mainly used to implement a distributed event handling system. The primary objective of this pattern is to provide a way to handle run-time one-to-many relationships between objects in a loosely coupled arrangement.

  • Event-based Programming for Python

    Oftentimes, you need to have objects that communicate with each other via events. This is a very useful setup, for example, in a GUI — where these events represent things like mouse clicks, key strokes, or button presses. That’s not what I developed these classes for, since I was more interested in simulating things and […]

  • Stackless Python meets Twisted Matrix….

    Sometimes, you come across two programming toolkits that would go great together. However, in the case of Twisted Matrix and Stackless python, there’s some legwork required to get these two great systems to work together.

  • Stackless Event Loops

    This is a follow-on article to Stackless Python Meets Twisted Matrix. This time how to use function decorators to turn a ordinary looking function in a looping event dispatcher. Useful for the Observer design pattern.

  • Sending HTML Email From Python

    (Due to changes in the Python standard library, I’ve posted a new updated method to send HTML email from Python.) I forget where exactly I found this, but the other day I needed a quick Python method to send an HTML email — in my case, it was in response to a Web CGI request, […]